Welcome to django-numerics’s documentation!

Give your app a mobile dashboard.

django-numerics is a numerics dashboard endpoint provider for django.


This project is still under development give a month or so to get stable.

Install django-numerics

django-numerics can be installed using pip.

$ pip install django-numerics

Or source code can be downloaded from github.


To use django-numerics in a project first add it to INSTALLED_APPS in your django settings file.

    # add djangonumerics to installed apps

Go to main urls file and add django-numerics endpoints to url patterns

urlpatterns = patterns(
    url(r'', include(core.urls)),
    url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),
    url(r'^accounts/', include(accounts.urls)),
    ## add django-numerics to urls.py
    url(r'^numerics/', include(djangonumerics.urls)),

Than you can register some endpoints for your dashboard. For instance following code adds number of current users as an endpoint.

from djangonumerics import NumberResponse
def total_users(user):
    """Return total number of users."""
    user_count = User.objects.filter(is_active=True).count()
    return NumberResponse(user_count, 'Total number of users')

# register endpoint to django-numerics
register('total-users', total_users, NumberResponse)

In this case, registered endpoint does not have user specific info. User specific info could be provided by using user argument of endpoint function.

After endpoint registration, open http://localhost:8000/numerics to see list of endpoints for current user. If there is no logged in user you will get a 404. This behivour can be changed by providing a new permission function to register function.

Run tests

To run tests, first make sure that django is installed on current environment. Than run following command

$ python setup.py test

Build documentation

$ pip install -r doc_requirements.txt
$ python setup.py build_sphinx